Friday, September 25, 2009

"I hope the pirated copy will not be cut" - Ashutosh Gowariker

Hours before the release of his new magnum opus What's Your Raashee? Ashutosh Gowariker is running around trying to understand where and how the master print of his film was allegedly stolen and pirated from the lab.

"I've been traveling to Toronto and then to Ahmedabad, so I'm not aware of the full situation. However, it's a scary and sobering thought that films have been going out for piracy from the lab. I'm glad they were caught out when my film was smuggled out. We don't know the extent of the damage. I can only be thankful my master print was retrieved. Just how many copies were made we don't know."

Choosing to see the lighter side of the extremely grim situation, Ashutosh says, "I hope the pirates didn't cut the film. I don't want them to watch an incomplete film."

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