Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Australia gearing-up for A R Rahman's concert

Australia is gearing-up for Oscar winner A.R. Rahman's (SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE) exclusive free concert in historic Parramatta Park outside Sydney on January 16.

Because of huge audience this event is expected to attract, organizers appear to be meticulously planning it. Authorities have declared it as "vehicle free" event. Rahman's two-and-half hour live performance has also been declared "glass free event" and thus the attendees will not be able to bring glass on site.

Website of Parramatta Park Trust of New South Wales Government describes Rahman as "the undisputed superstar of contemporary Indian music". "In a country of a billion inhabitants where film and pop music are one, Rahman, 43, dominates the music industry", it adds. Rahman will reportedly entertain with an entourage of over 40 musicians and Bollywood dancers, presenting various rhythms and melodies of contemporary India.

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